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Image by freddie marriage

Do YOU have a message to share?

You have a message to share but it’s not easy getting your book done.


Knowing what to say, how to say it and who to say it to is just the beginning. And tips, tricks and ‘how to’ courses don’t help when the journey becomes a lonely one. Self-doubt, overwhelm and getting stuck are common and many people just give up – and I think that is a crying shame.


Sharing your message matters and I want to help you get it out of your head and out into the world.

YOUR book deserves to become a reality, not remain an unheard story.

You are likely to be at one of 3 stages:


  • Your idea is still in your head. You want to write a book, but don’t really know where to start – it all seems so overwhelming.

  • You have started writing, but life keeps getting in the way or you are stuck and aren’t sure exactly what you want to write, or you just can’t seem to get things to flow.

  • Ready for edit - You have finished your manuscript and you are ready for editing.

Whatever stage you are at,

it all begins with a chat 

In our chat (which usually takes about 15 minutes) we'll work out exactly what you need to be able to get your book done and your message out to those who are waiting to hear it. 


I can help you if you:


  • have more than one idea and just can’t seem to decide which way to go

  • know what your message is but need some clarity on how to communicate it

  • are feeling overwhelmed

  • are doubting yourself and/or your message

  • would like some guidance and support

  • are looking for momentum or accountability

  • are finding yourself stuck

  • are struggling with the flow of your book

  • unsure about what to put in and what to leave out

  • are finished and ready for feedback

  • have a manuscript that is ready for editing


There is no need to struggle. Together we'll get that idea out of your head and into a finished manuscript so that your message can reach the people who need it most.

What people are saying about working with me

'To be honest I don’t know where to start with this testimonial. If I simply describe the transactional nature of what Sandra has done for me, I would tell you that Sandra has helped me write and publish two books. But this simply does not do justice to the transformational journey we went on together.
When you write a self-help book or any book for that matter, mostly you know what you want to say. It is not until a lot later in the process that you realise knowing what you want to say is the easy bit. You also have to know things like WHO you want to talk to, WHY they should be interested in reading your book and WHAT reading your book will get them. I genuinely thought I knew all that, until I had my first session with Sandra!
What Sandra did was way more than edit my books. She helped me shape them in ways that I couldn’t even imagine. She made sure that my message wasn’t getting lost in the content, that the book flowed and took the reader on a coherent journey. She paid such close attention to detail and what each element of the books was intended to do and challenged, questioned, and guided me so that everything I wrote was relevant and clear, making my books accessible to a wider audience.
But even that is not the full extent of what she did. She CARED for my books, She CARED for me, and she CARED about our relationship. Writing a book is a lonely experience. You spend so much time with yourself that you get in your own way more than you can imagine. Self-doubt, self-abuse, self-neglect, are all part of the journey. More than anything what you need (even if you don’t realise this yet) is someone who will be your sponsor. Someone who will CARE about your book, your message, and about you.
That’s what Sandra gives you when she works alongside you. If you are looking for an editor, a writer, a coach, a friend, a sponsor, a book midwife to support you in birthing your book, then Sandra is your woman…in my eyes she really is ‘That Book Woman’.


Jane Douglas

Author of How to Live Unleashed & Alive and Freeing David

What Sandra did for me was just fantastic! I had so many ideas whizzing around in my head and she helped me to get really clear on what my message was and who I wanted to speak to with my book and her 4-step method for writing my book really does the job of getting you from idea to a finished manuscript.  After wanting to write a book for a couple of years I am now well on the way to finally getting it done!


Richard Harrison – soon to be published author

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